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8 Days Itinerary for Switzerland

Switzerland Itinerary 8 Days - In-depth Swiss itinerary for 2024

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  • Introduction

    If you are looking to get the most out of your Switzerland itinerary for 8 days, then you have come to the right blog. This itinerary is from my personal, unforgettable experience. I am sharing a step-by-step, comprehensive Switzerland itinerary for 8 days.

    Before you go any further, let me forewarn, this is not a leisure or relaxing Switzerland itinerary, it is more of an adventurous trip, aiming to explore and discover as much as possible in Switzerland in just 8 days.

    Places you will cover in the Switzerland Itinerary 8 Days:
    3 Nights in Montreux

    • a. Montreux
    • i. Lake Geneva and Promenade of Montreux
    • ii.Freddie Mercury Museum
    • b.Chillion
    • i.Chillion Castle
    • c. Zermatt
    • i. Zermatt Village
    • ii.Mountain - Matterhorn Glacier Paradise
    • d. Gstaad
    • i. Famous Gstaad street where Bollywood movies were shot
    • e. Saanen
    • i. DDLJ - Famous Bridge, Church, and Railway Station
    • f. Gruyere
    • i. Cheese Factory
    • ii.Gruyere Village
    • iii.Gruyere Castle
    • g. Broc
    • i.Cailler - Chocolate Factory
    4 Nights in Interlaken
    • a. Jungfrau
    • a.Jungfrau mountain - Top of Europe
    • b. Ice Palace
    • c. Alpine Sensation
    • b. Grindelwald
    • c.Lauterbrunnen
    • d.Grindelwald First - Adventure Activities
    • e.Interlaken
    • a. Lake Thun
    • b. Lake Brienz
    • c. Interlaken region
    • d. Mountain - Schilthorn
    • f. Lucerne
    • a. Lake Lucerne
    • b. Old Town
    • c. Lion Monument
    • d. Musegg Wall - View of the entire Lucerne from the top
    • e. Chapel Bridge
    1 Night in Zurich
    • a. The Rhine falls
    • b. Zurich city
    • a. Bahnhofstrasse
    • b. Pubs
    • c. Lake Zurich
    That's a lot of places to see, things to do, and memories to create.
    Now, let's dive deep into each of the day.

  • Day 1- Montreux and Chillion Castle


    Even before you reach Switzerland, make sure you have bought your Swiss Travel Pass. It will allow you to unlimited travel across Switzerland, give you free access to 500+ museums and up to 50% discount with Swiss Travel Pass on mountain excursions.

    Once you land in Zurich or Geneva or enter Switzerland by train, head straight to your hotel in Montreux. Freshen up, eat something, and relax for some time.

    Try to leave your hotel between 2-3 p.m. for Chillion Castle. It is just 15 mins away by bus from Montreux. (Castle closes at 5 p.m., therefore first head to Chillion rather than getting distracted by the beauty of Montreux)

    Find yourself in the medieval era as you enter the Chillion Castle. The castle is over 1000 years old.

    Again board a bus from Chillion to Montreux.

    Once reached, it is time to walk around Montreux. Start from the famous Casino and head towards the spotless old town and back to the Lake Geneva area. This walk will take around 1 hour or more, but totally worth it. Especially when you reach at the top of Montreux Old Town to get a mesmerizing panoramic view of the quaint town of Montreux. It is truly picturesque.

    This will mark the end of your Day 1.

    Swiss Travel Pass
    Swiss Travel Pass
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  • Day 2- Matterhorn and Zermatt Village


    Any Switzerland itinerary is incomplete if it doesn't include playing in the snow on a snow-clad mountain. And on the very next day, it is time your experience that.

    Wake up early in the morning, and catch a train to Zermatt (you will have a couple of train changes, and it takes nearly 2 hrs 45 mins to reach).

    Zermatt is a car-free village, where, by the way, only 5000 people inhabit, but it can accommodate up to 50,000 visitors.

    In Zermatt, head towards the Gondola station that will take you to the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise. Out there, you will get as close as possible to the famous Mt. Matterhorn, most famously recognized as the Toblerone mountain (Matterhorn was the inspiration to the creator of the Toblerone chocolates. Hence, the mountain shape).

    Post your trip to Matterhorn, walk around to enjoy the car-free village. If you want to, you may hire a cycle to explore the area, but it will be a costly affair.

    That's all on Day 2 of your Switzerland itinerary for 8 days. Now head back to Montreux. You will have a long train journey.

    Matterhorn Glacier Paradise
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  • Day 3- Gstaad, Saanen, Gruyere, and Broc


    After an exhilarating day, reaching all the peaks and playing in the snow, it is best to visit the famous places around Montreux.

    Gstaad - Take an early morning train straight to Gstaad. Explore the picture-perfect town, which is also among the most preferred holiday destinations by many celebrities and royalties.

    Saanen - From Gstaad, take a bus to Saanen - the DDLJ village. As soon as you reach the Saanen bus stop, you will see the DDLJ Bridge right across, literally hop skip and jump away. Click beautiful pictures and then walk towards the Church where Raj had prayed for Simran. Saanen is a small village, it will take you not more than 45 mins in Saanen.

    Gruyere - A train will take you from Saanen to Gruyere. Just outside the station, you will see La Maison Du Gruyere, aka Gruyere Cheese Factory. Even before you begin the factory tour, you are spoilt with a cheese tasting packet which consists of three types of aged cheese. The tour is quite informative, fun, and moreover, it is all by ourselves, at our own pace, since you will get a mobile-type device which explains everything instead of a guide. Well, that's technology.

    After gaining super knowledge on cheese making processes, walk towards the Gruyere village. It is an uphill 15-20 mins walk. Once you enter the Gruyere village, it will feel like a fairy tale land. The open blue sky, cobblestone streets, absolutely no noise of any vehicle, and the medieval structures preserved in its pristine condition will make it hard to believe such an elegant world like this still exists, especially for the city dwellers. You may get a feel you are at a movie set.

    At the end of the village, stands a majestic castle, you can see around the castle, take a glimpse of it. Like me, you may not spend much time in the castle, as you have already seen a castle, but more importantly, the chocolate factory awaits you, which is included in Swiss Travel Pass cost.

    Broc - Again a train from Gruyere, Maison Callier aka Chocolate Factory is right outside the Broc Fabrique station. With every step marched towards the factory, the aroma of fresh chocolate being prepared gets even stronger, you may get an impulsive urge to eat chocolates even before reaching the factory.

    The 200-year-old chocolate factory is among the oldest chocolate factories in the world and also the founder of Cailler is among the pioneers of modern chocolate making. Quite a factory to be at.

    The tour is fantastic, fun, engaging, and informative. Here as well, there will be no personal guide, audio is to be heard in a chocolaty mobile-type device.

    The best part of the tour will be the chocolate tasting. Unlike Gruyere cheese factory, here you will bask in the goodness of fresh chocolates at the end of the tour. Eat as many as chocolates you can. More than 10 types of Cailler chocolates are offered for tasting. It is a complete overdose of chocolate. Sweet.

    All the above four destinations are a must if you have the luxury of 8 days itinerary for Switzerland.

  • Day 4- Change of Hotel | Grindelwald and First Activities


    The day 4 of your Switzerland itinerary is going to be an adventurous one. Make sure you have a substantial breakfast and carry some munchies in your handbag because it will take nearly 2 hrs 45 mins to reach Interlaken. You can also stay in any of the beautiful villages around Interlaken. I stayed at Hotel Baren, Wilderswil.

    Leave early in the morning and try to reach your hotel before 12 p.m. Once reached, freshen up, eat something, and leave for Grindlewald First.

    Experience some of the most thrilling and adrenaline-rushing activities of Switzerland at Grindelwald First. Once you reach the highest station by a cable car, you will also bask in a breath-taking view. Sightseeing and activities will take around 3-4 hours.

    After you are done with activities, walk around Grindelwald. Post which, you can head back to your hotel and rest. It will be a tiring day.

  • Day 5- Jungfrau - Top of Europe


    Today you set out to conquer Jungfrau- Top of Europe. It is the highest railway station in Europe at 3454 m and the most visited mountain in Switzerland.

    Now, like every day, leave early in the morning. It will take around 2 hrs 30 mins to reach Jungfrau.

    At Jungfrau, you can not only play in the snow but also enjoy a chilling visit of the Ice Palace, learn about the history of Jungfrau Station, get lost in the Alpine Sensation, buy Lindt chocolates and do many more things at 3454m. To see everything at Jungfrau, it will take a good 3-4 hours.

    When you get down from Jungfrau, catch the Lauterbrunnen train - and not the Grindelwald. Lauterbrunnen is a different town. Therefore, on your way back to the hotel, you can check it out.

    Be it a Switzerland itinerary for 1 day, 3 days, 6 days or 8 days, Jungfrau is always a must!

    Jungfraujoch with Jungfraujoch with Swiss Travel Pass comes at a steep discount.

     Jungfraujoch included in budget trip to Switzerland
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  • Day 6- Interlaken - Lake Brienz & Lake Thun - Mount Schilthorn


    On Day 6, you can keep it a relaxing day by just seeing around in the Interlaken region from Ost to West. When you walk around the pleasant town, you will come across some of the world's most expensive brands of watches. Well, something that Switzerland is world-famous for.

    Do walk on the sidewalks of the Lake Brienz and Lake Thun. You can also take a boat ride on one of the lakes. I didn't as I had planned one in Lucerne.

    Now, if time permits and if you also have enough energy and zeal to conquer another mountain, you can head towards Mt. Schilthorn - famous for the James Bond shooting.

  • Day 7- Lucerne - Swiss Travel Museum - Boat Ride - Musseg Wall - Lion Monument


    Needless to say, leave early in the morning. A train ride with a couple of train changes will take around 2 hrs 45 mins to reach the most flocked tourist destination of Switzerland - Lucerne.

    Right outside the Lucerne station, you will finally come face to face with the Chapel Bridge of Lucerne. Built-in the 1800s, it is one of the world's oldest bridges. Don't worry, it still stands strong. Just don't be tempted yet to head towards the bridge. We recommend, first, take a boat ride to Verkehrshaus-Lido to visit the Swiss Transport Museum. In this journey, enjoy your much-awaited scenic boat ride in Switzerland.

    Swiss Museum of Transport - It is among the world's largest transport museums. There are individual buildings for every mode of transport. Bus, train, tram, planes, even out of space transport is present at this gigantic museum. If you decide to see the entire museum, it may take your whole day or even more. Therefore, see any one or two museums and headed back towards Lucerne. The museum comes at a discounted rates with Swiss Pass. Just one of the many benefits of Swiss Travel Pass.

    Now is the time you head straight towards the Chapel Bridge and stand on the mighty old bridge. Walk around the old town, maybe stop for your lunch. Then head to the Lion Monument and finally then to the Musegg Wall. At Musegg Wall, climb up the tiring staircase to reach the top of any one of the towers. As you see the entire skyline of Lucerne from the top, your tiredness will just wash away in no time.

    Now you have covered everything in Lucerne. So, it's time to treat yourself with some shopping and then treat your taste buds with some authentic food.

    By this time, it will be around 7:30-8:00 p.m. in Lucerne. Take a train and head back to the hotel. You may reach Interlaken by 10:30 p.m.

    Swiss Transport Museum
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  • Day 8- Zurich - Rhine Falls - Shopping - Night Life


    Bid your final goodbyes to the place you are staying in Interlaken and head to Zurich. It will be a long way, around 2 hrs 45 mins, also depends on where you are staying in Zurich. I preferred to stay near the airport for two reasons: central location (not prime) and close to the airport.

    After checking in at the hotel/apartment, first, go to rejoice in Europe's second-largest waterfall - Rhine Falls. You can reach it through Neuhausen Rheinfall or Schloss Laufen am Rheinfall. I will advise to getting down at the Schloss Laufen and walk from there towards the boat ride area in Neuhausen. Don't worry. Once you reach there, you'll figure out your way. There are signboards and an information centre.

    Things to do at Rhine Falls: Boat ride and standing in the centre of the waterfall.

    I took a bit longer than the planned time at the Rhine falls as it was just amazing to sit at one of the benches to hear the roaring sound of the waterfalls

    After spending around 2 hours at the Rhine falls, you have to head to the shopping street - Bahnhofstrasse by taking a train to Zurich HB.

    Once you reach there, pat on your back to be proud to be standing at one of the world's most expensive shopping streets. You have achieved it. Even you may not buy anything.

    Walk from one shop to another. Check out some of the luxury watches, chocolates, beauty products, and everything that Bahnofstrasee has to offer. Don't stop until your legs give out. Don't forget, it is your last day in Switzerland.

    The shops start shutting post 8 p.m., and the nightlife begins opening up. Right in the adjacent street and around Bahnhofstrasse, you will find many pubs and bars. Choose the best that suits your mood. It can be a quiet bar or a loud pub. It's up to you. If you are on a honeymoon in Switzerland, explore the nightlife to its fullest.

  • Well. What I can say now. The journey in the paradise has to come to an end. You can either take a flight at night or rest at your hotel to catch a morning flight.